BITING REPORT- Daycare Printable Child Incident Report /Preschool Accident or Injury Form


This listing includes 1 digital download: 1 "Biting Report" for when a child is bitten by another child. This complete printable report is designed for licensed childcare centers, in home daycares, nannies, and preschools.

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This listing includes 1 digital download: 1 "Biting Report" for when a child is bitten by another child. This complete printable report is designed for licensed childcare centers, in home daycares, nannies, and preschools.

This listing includes 1 digital download: 1 "Biting Report" for when a child is bitten by another child. This complete printable report is designed for licensed childcare centers, in home daycares, nannies, and preschools.

Toddlers are constantly playing, growing, and learning and will sometimes discover biting. Biting in young children is a normal behavior and is usually a phase that they outgrow. Toddlers bite for many reasons...

• Communicating frustration
• Challenges in playing with others (sharing toys, personal space)
• Cause and effect- (reaction of other children & adults)
• Oral stimulation (teething, physical sensation)
• Monkey see, monkey do (copying what they see)
• Coping with uncomfortable feelings (hungry, sleepy, bored)

Dealing with this situation however can be very challenging. It is important to document the incident and make both parents aware. The parent of the child who was bitten is usually the most concerned.

A printable "bite report" is the perfect way to communicate to parent of the bitten child about the incident.

Use this from to document and describe the what, when, and how the incident happened. Also be sure to document any treatment applied to to the area (bandaid, washed, ointment, TLC, etc). At the bottom of the form, there is a special note to parents detailing why children bite and ensuring them that you are handling the situation the best you can. Give the top copy to parents and keep the bottom for your records.

When you purchase this listing, you will receive 1 downloadable pdf bite report. This document is complete & ready to print.

What you will receive with this purchase:

* 1 PDF Download- "Biting Report"
* 2 Reports Per Page


* Instant Printable Download
* US Letter Size 8.5 x 11" (portrait)

*Please note:

- This listing is for digital files - no physical product will be shipped to you.
- This is a non-editable PDF file
- All sales are final.
- Print on regular Letter Size paper
- Not for resell purposes

Please let me know if you have any problems and I will do my best to help in anyway possible.

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