Hi, I’m Dena!
I know how overwhelming it can feel to start and grow a childcare business. That’s why I’m here—to help childcare business owners and leaders create thriving, profitable businesses with clarity, confidence, and a step-by-step plan. Together, we’ll turn your vision into a reality with proven strategies, tools, and support.
I am the proud mom of 2 grown kids, a “nonnie” to 4 adorable grandchildren, and the wife of 1 amazing man. I have 21 years of experience as a daycare center director. I love the childcare industry, but it is WORK!
My goal is to help childcare business owners and leaders reduce stress and create a thriving environment for families and staff.
I provide strategies, courses, templates, valuable info, tips, and a little encouragement to keep you focused on what is truly important...those precious little ones!
A treat for our wonderful staff 🤗
My beautiful family 💜
My Story
So, my husband and I became directors in 2001. It all started when our church approached us to help start a daycare. We had no idea what we were getting into! We started from scratch...design, construction, licensing, staffing, enrolling, & everything in between! The process was daunting, but we made it work by taking one step at a time.
Through much trial and error and many years of challenges, we created a loving, nurturing environment for the children in our care and a supportive and encouraging work environment for our teachers and staff.
For 21 years, our childcare center was a pillar in our community. We had wonderful, loyal staff and had a two-year-long waiting list for children to be enrolled in our center.
In 2022, we decided to make a pivot and merge with our church’s private elementary academy, eliminating our early childhood department. It was a tough transition, but we knew it was time for a change. My husband took the role of school administrator while I stepped away from our center to focus solely on helping other childcare providers create their dream childcare businesses.
So what keeps me going?
Operating a daycare was WORK! Oh, my word! From daily scheduling, daycare policies, dealing with staff turnover, and state licensing to upset parents. I know the challenges because I’ve lived them! And I really wish I had someone to help me with everything when I first started. It would have made my journey easier, for sure!
Throughout the years, I have had other daycare owners, directors, and administrators ask me for advice, encouragement, & help with forms, management, etc., So I decided to start sharing what I have learned. I have so much info and so many daycare forms and templates collected throughout the years; why not share it with others?
My goal is to help make another owner or director's life a little bit less stressful and more enjoyable. So, if you are a fellow childcare provider, here is my advice to you….The daycare world is fast, busy, and often exhausting. It's easy to get caught up in the parent drama, staff shortages, and state requirements. But, in the middle of the whirlwind, always remember what is most important; to nurture, love, and develop those impressionable young lives. They are the reason you do what you do, and they will forever remember YOU!
When you’re having a rough day, focus on the good…the parent that says "THANK YOU for taking care of my child! Your daycare is the only center I trust!" The child that says, "I love you!” and wraps their tiny arms around your neck. The 18-year-old who comes to visit and gives you a hug reminiscing about being in your preschool. The employee who says, "You are the best boss I have ever had. Working here is more than a job. Y’all are my family!"
You also might be interested to know . . .
I'm originally from Oklahoma and moved to Georgia with my parents and three siblings when I was nine years old.
I’m a church girl….My father is a Pastor, so I have grown up in church all my life. I am also a singer and lover of music. I have been leading worship for over 22 years.
When I'm not running a daycare or singing my heart out, you can find me parked on my couch chilling with my husband or glued to my laptop working! I LOVE hanging out with my family, sipping on a good cup of coffee, eating yummy Mexican, and listening to a good audible book.
Download my FREE Interview Guide to hiring quality staff for your program.
Trouble finding the right teachers? Reduce turnover with my 12-page Interview Guide with Questions and Job Position Descriptions designed specifically for child care hiring! Click the button to get instant access!
Download my FREE daily schedules for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers!
Download 3 PDF schedules designed specifically for each age; Infants, Toddler, and Preschoolers. A Canva link is also provided to edit the schedules to suit your program. It’s absolutely free and only takes 5 seconds!
Download these daycare forms, letters, and helpful guides for FREE!
Check out my FREEBIE section for tons of free templates and PDFs. From biting reports and parent letters to playground safety and teacher appreciation, I’ve got you covered! Simply download and print!
Thinking about starting a daycare but have no idea where to begin? 😫
Grab the Daycare Starter Bundle to start your own childcare business for only $7 🙌
✅ Get my 12-step guide to starting your own center or in-home daycare. It covers everything from market research to enrollment strategies.
✅ Plus, receive two state-approved editable parent handbooks, ensuring your policies are in line with state requirements.
✅ Download a budget template to determine your expenses, income, and profitability.
✅ Get my Advertising Bundle to spread the word about your amazing services and fill your enrollment spots!
No more procrastination or feeling overwhelmed!
Click the button to get instant access ⬇️ It's only $7 for a limited time only!
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