4 Creative Ways To Show Your Teachers Appreciation

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Let’s take the opportunity during National Teacher Appreciation Week or choose a different special week to thank our wonderful teachers that help our children and impact their future.

Research shows that when our teachers feel appreciated, they are more satisfied with their profession and overall happier. Showing our teachers appreciation has also been proven to improve staff morale and the overall work environment.

Here are 4 creative and inexpensive ways to celebrate your teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week:

1.    Write a letter or leave sticky notes. Never underestimate a good word. Leave daily sticky notes of appreciation in their classroom or on the check-in computer. If you still give paper checks, include a sweet sticky note with their payroll check.

If you have more time, consider writing a hand-written letter to each teacher or staff member telling each one what you appreciate about them. Mention a character trait or good quality that you admire. For example, if you have an infant teacher that NEVER calls in sick, tell her that you appreciate her faithfulness. Tell that always happy morning teacher that you appreciate how she cheerfully greets the parents in the morning.

2.   Get your parents involved. Post a flyer about Teacher Appreciation Week for your parents to see. Make a post on your social media. Ask them to get involved by bringing a special treat each day. You may want to offer a specific guide for them to follow or just allow them to be creative and do their own thing.  

3.   Shower them with goodies. This one is not free but can be done with a small budget. Pick a special treat each day of the week to give to your teachers with a cute sign to display beside the treats. For example, offer a display of  the following treats:

Monday: Donuts with a cute sign that reads “Donut what we’d do without you!”

Tuesday:  Cookies (homemade or store bought) with a sign that reads “Thanks for making our kids such smart cookies!”

Wednesday: Nachos (or just chips & cheese) with a flyer that reads Nacho average teachers”.

Thursday: Fruit with a sign that reads “We couldn’t have picked better teachers”.

Friday: Pizza with a flyer that reads “You have a pizza our heart”.

4.   Make a “Staff Shout Out” display. Use a poster board or turn a bulletin board into a wall of appreciation. Ask teachers to write little notes of appreciation to each other using sticky notes. Have them place them on the board daily and fill the board throughout the week. Make sure they put the name of the person they are writing to and who it is from.  Everyone will love walking by daily and reading the words of encouragement. Collect the sticky notes and give them to each teacher at the end of the week. Learn how to make the "Staff Shout Out" display on Pinterest here.

Click here to see other Pinterest teacher appreciation ideas. Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest for other great ideas.

However you choose to celebrate your teachers, the most important thing is to make them feel special and loved. You’ll be surprised at the impact even the smallest acts of kindness can make.


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