3 Tips To Solve Your Staffing Issues

Are you having staffing issues? Most child care programs are short staffed right now. If this is you, I know what you’re going through.  You can’t find people who want to work and when you do, they don’t stay long or they just aren’t quality players.

Most people say “just pay more!” Although I agree that our staff should be well paid, some of us simply can’t afford to raise wages.

I want to share a simple strategy that I have implemented in my program to help draw and retain people without breaking the bank. I had a brainstorming session with my leaders and asked these questions “How can we boost our work culture? How can we make this a place where everyone LOVES their job?” We wrote down a ton of ideas that would boost staff morale and bring us all closer.

You see, if you can create an amazing work culture to where your people truly feel loved, supported, and have great co-working relationships, you will see a tremendous increase in staff retention. Staff will also tell their friends about their amazing job and bring in referrals. 

Here are 3 ideas we implemented to help with staffing:

  1. We created a private Facebook group for our staff only. This is where we can give staff shout outs, words of encouragement, host fun contests, and stay connected. I “go live” once a week to motivate everyone. Staff can post any challenges they need help with. We set group rules and don’t allow it to go extremely negative. The purpose of the group is for encouragement not venting.

  2. Have FUN contests and activities. Use the FB group to announce a monthly contest or challenge. Have the teachers post pics of their holiday craft and have the teachers vote on the cutest. Have spirit weeks, secret pal activities (get it here for free), and holiday parties. Have a “Caught Ya Jar” and have staff write down when a co-worker has been helpful or brightened their day. Give the slips out monthly for them to read. Meet up at a local restaurant after hours to build connections. One fun idea is to have a 3 day contest of who can post the best scare video of the director or owner in the FB group. Be sure and set phone policies and guidelines so that it doesn’t get out of control.

  3. Give, Give, Give. Show the newbies with small gifts and words of encouragement. Announce an employee of the month and buy them Friday lunches and give them a special parking place. Stop in each class DAILY to tell the teacher she is doing an excellent job and ask her if there is anything she needs. Buy the staff lunch on occasions. Taco Bell is reasonable. :) Add to your policies that staff get their birthday off with pay. Make someone the party coordinator in charge of keeping up with giving birthday cards and planning holiday parties.

Most importantly, shift your mindset from "You are working for me!" to “I am here for you!” Start each day with the intention of adding value to every person you come in contact with. Our staff will only be as good as our leadership. This is hard to hear but true!

I would love to hear from you! Comment on how you boost staff morale and create an amazing work culture!

Trouble finding the right teachers? Download my FREE Interview Guide to Hire The Right Staff for Your Daycare or Child Care Center!Reduce turnover with my 5 page editable Interview Guide with questions designed specifically for daycare hiring!  Click the button to get instant access!

Trouble finding the right teachers? Download my FREE Interview Guide to Hire The Right Staff for Your Daycare or Child Care Center!

Reduce turnover with my 5 page editable Interview Guide with questions designed specifically for daycare hiring! Click the button to get instant access!


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