Daycare Studio

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Are you working too much? Get your life back by doing these 3 things immediately!

Are you exhausted before you even start your day? Are you working long hours filled with juggling ratios, staff call-outs, complaining parents, state compliance, scheduling, record keeping, and the million other things we do? You start the day thinking about everything you need to get done, then poop hits the fan, and you run around all day “putting out fires.” It is so easy to let your day control you instead of you controlling your day. Living this way day in and out leads to exhaustion, stress, and poor mental and physical health. Being a leader in the child care industry is tough, but you can learn to master your day.

Before we get started on my tips to get your life back, If you're new here, My name is Dena, and I have been a center director for 20 years and love what I do, but it is WORK! My goal is to help other providers with their child care programs and help relieve the stress that the daycare world brings. Don't forget to snag my FREE Interview Guide to hire the right staff for your daycare or child care center! You can reduce turnover with my 12-page editable Interview Guide, Questions, & Position Descriptions designed specifically for child care hiring!

Now, start getting your life back by doing these three things immediately!

  1. Pick 3 Things – Pick only three things to work on each day. Most of us have 20+ tasks on our list and feel defeated when we don’t get them all done at the end of the day. Choose 3 HLA or High-Level Action items to do for the day to avoid overwhelm. Going into your day, have a plan. Ask yourself, “What are the top 3 productive things I need to do today?” Pick things that will make you feel accomplished at the end of the day. Defining your priorities will alleviate the stress you put on yourself to get it all done and allow time for the unexpected and the “managing” part of your business.

  2.  Get Help- For years, I did everything myself. Why? Because I knew how to do it, I told myself that it would take too long to train someone else, AND they probably wouldn’t do it right anyway. Here’s the truth, to get your life back, you need to lose perfectionism. Hire an assistant or find someone in your program to enter new enrollments, keep up with immunizations, answer the phones, give tours, schedule staff, and do whatever tasks that drain you and take all your time. You know what? You’re right. It will take time to train them, and they might not do it perfectly, but you will have so much more free time in the long run! Trust me. It’s worth it!

    Here are some things I have handed over to my assistant:

    ·       Fundraisers

    ·       Scheduling pictures

    ·       Immunizations

    ·       Entering new enrollments

    ·       Social media

    ·       Staff scheduling (I look over when done)

    ·       Answering phones

    ·       Managing our waitlist

    ·       Giving tours

    ·       Making announcement flyers and signs

    ·       Planning holiday parties

    3.     Make Time For Yourself- Create a morning routine that sets you up for success. Start your morning with gratitude by listing three things you are grateful for. Incorporate a 5-minute mediation or prayer followed by a few stretches. I know you are busy, but even a 10 minute morning routine can make all the difference in how you feel. 

    Shorten your hours if possible or schedule time weekly to work from home or in your office where you can have privacy. Have your assistant open your child care program or close it at the end of the day to allow you time off. When you work long hours, make yourself take a break and eat lunch or go for a walk to clear your mind. Take deep breaths throughout the day. A good breathing technique is a lifesaver! This “take 5” breathing technique is great for adults and kiddos. Take AT LEAST 2 vacations per year and completely unwind. 

    I know some of these things may seem impossible to incorporate into your business or your life, but remember, you don’t have to do everything at once. Instead, take baby steps to free up time and to get your life back. You can do this! 

    Click here for more information on how to start your own child care center or business.

Do you have tips that have helped you gain balance in your crazy child care business life? Comment them below. I would love to hear from you!