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Uplevel Your Childcare Business with These 7 Essential Questions

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As child care providers, we want to provide the best possible experience for our daycare families and staff. The new year is the perfect time to re-evaluate our child care business,  find the areas that need improvement, and set goals for the new year.

Before we get started , If you're new here, My name is Dena, and I have 21 years of experience as a childcare center owner/director. My goal is to help other providers with their child care businesses and help relieve the stress that the daycare world brings.

Don't forget to snag my FREE Interview Guide to hire the right staff for your daycare or child care center! Reduce turnover with my 12-page Interview Guide with Questions and Job Position Descriptions designed for child care hiring!

Going into the new year, I want you to ask yourself these 7 simple questions to re-evaluate your daycare business and plan for the new year. 

The whole purpose of these seven questions is to determine how to take your center or home daycare to the next level and see what changes are needed. 

You can go through these questions in a few short minutes, but I want you to ask them, I want you to answer them, and then I want you to take the right course of action - for yourself and for your business.

Download the New Year Planning & Assessment Questions PDF here to follow along and write down your answers to the following questions.

Question 1: How can I improve the quality of care I provide?

You may want to implement a new system or process, tweak the daily schedule, require more staff training, reduce ratios by hiring more assistants, invest in new daycare toys or equipment, etc. What are 2-3 things you could do or implement to provide better care?

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Question 2: How can I better serve my parents?

You may want to improve your parent connection by using a communication app such as Procare or implementing printable daily reports, adding cameras for off-site viewing, incorporating a parent appreciation week, or adding anything that you feel will enhance your customer service and make your parents happier. Put yourself in your parents’ shoes. What would make you happy and feel confident about dropping off your child at daycare?

*It’s important to mention that better serving your parents does not mean making sacrifices. For example, changing your policies or extending operating hours to accommodate needy parents will often only lead to frustration and burn-out. 

Question 3: How can I better serve my staff?

If you have staff, brainstorm ways to better support your team. Schedule one-on-one meetings with them to determine how you can be a better leader. Ask them how you could improve their working environment. What do they desire? How could you create a better culture? Ask them. They will tell you. Download my staff culture survey to find out what your staff need and desire.

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Question 4: How can I free up more time?

What can I delegate? What can I eliminate? Or How can I gain better control of my day? What can I do to be more productive and get more accomplished?

If you are an owner, director, or leader, you are BUSY! I know because I have been there. It’s important to remember that you cannot do all the things and work 12 hour days without burning out. Get help! Hire an assistant if you don’t have one or pass trivial tasks to someone else. Yes, you may need to train them in the beginning, but think about how much time you will save in the future. It’s worth the up-front sacrifice.

Question 5: What is my projected annual revenue goal?

Take a look at expenses and income. Are you profitable? Are there any areas you can cut back to save money? Is it time to raise rates? The typical tuition rate increase is 3-5% annually or bi-annually. How are your prices compared to other programs in your area? Do the research and go up on your tuition rates if needed. Download my free tuition rate increase letter here.

Question 6: How can I practice better self-care?

List 2-3 things you can implement immediately to take better care of yourself. Find a few minutes daily to incorporate something that makes you feel good, whether it’s listening to your favorite music, taking a nature walk, or reading a good book. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Prioritize yourself! 

Question 7: What would I do this year if I knew I could not fail?

Think of personal and business related dreams and desires. What actions have you not taken because of fear? 

Really take a minute to brainstorm what your ideal life would look like. What desires and dreams have you put on the shelf because you are afraid of failing or you because you don’t believe it’s possible. 

You don’t have to take insane risks to achieve most goals, but you do have to take action . If you don’t attempt something, you’ll never have a chance of succeeding. This is 100% guaranteed.

Write down 3 goals you want to accomplish this year along with the action steps needed to get you there. These goals can be personal,  business related, or both. 

Read your goals daily and take actionable baby steps to obtain them. 

“The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.”

Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart


There’s always room for improvement, no matter how long your waiting list is or how great of care you provide. Always strive to be better; a better leader, a better provider, a better parent, a better friend, a better person. “Excellence is the gradual result of always wanting to do better.” -Pat Riley.

Want to dive into these 7 questions on paper? If you’re like me, you need an old-school piece of paper and a pen to write out your thoughts and ideas. You can download my free New Year Planning & Assessment Questions here. It’s a PDF version of these 7 questions with places to write, to allow you to brainstorm your improvements, write down your goals, and come up with an actionable plan. Enjoy!

Download my FREE Family Screening Guide to select the families right for you.

Download this guide to help you carefully accept the right families and avoid the high-maintenance ones. Includes 13 questions and a Family Information Card for easy follow-up. 

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Grab my FREE Daily Schedules for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers!

Download 3 PDF schedules designed for each age; Infants, Toddler, and Preschoolers. A Canva link is provided to edit the schedules for your program. It’s absolutely free and only takes 5 seconds!

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