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4 Things To Do Now To Prepare For Daycare Emergencies

Are you prepared for emergencies that could potentially happen in your child care program? We don’t like to think about worst-case scenarios, but if you don’t have a written plan in place for emergencies, you are putting yourself, your staff, and your kiddos at great risk. Without a plan, you will be a frantic mess when disaster strikes.

 Do these 4 things to keep your child care program prepared for emergencies and your kiddos safe!

 1. Have A Written Emergency Plan- What is your evacuation plan? What happens if your center or home loses power or water? What will you do if a child gets lost or incurs a serious injury or even death? What will you do if a dangerous person enters the building? These are scary questions, but they need to be addressed. You should have a written plan of action for every scenario. Give each parent and staff member a copy and have them get familiar with it. If you do not have this in place, this should be done immediately. If you need a detailed emergency plan template, you can get mine here. 

2. Have An Emergency To-Go Bag In Place-  Pack an emergency bag or suitcase that can easily be taken in case of evacuation. Things to include are emergency contact numbers for all parents, bottled water, a first aid kit, small blankets, cell phone, snacks, a few diapers, wipes, and a flashlight.

3. Conduct Safety Drills- Conduct monthly fire drills. Some states also require you to conduct lockdown and tornado drills. Check with your state for drill requirements. Post an evacuation map in every room with clear routes to exit the building or structure. Conducting drills regularly will help keep your children and staff calm and prepared in the event of a real fire or emergency. Use a fire drill documentation form to record all drills to keep on file.

 4. Train Your Staff- Your staff should know the protocol and action plan for every emergency. Have a meeting quarterly and read through the emergency plan to refresh their memory. Make sure every staff member is CPR & First Aid certified and that their certification remains current. 

 Implementing these 4 things will help keep your kiddos safe and your staff well prepared. What are some other things you do to prepare for the unexpected? Comment below. We’d love to know!